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V1.17 Update - 8th August 2023

Tackle Metrics​

This update adds two match metrics that return the number of ineffective tacklea, as follows:


Ineffective Tackles

The number of times a player made physical contact on a player in possession of the ball, but that player was able to perform an effective disposal.

Ineffective Tackles

The number of times all the players in a squad made physical contact with players in possession of the ball, but those players were able to perform an effective disposal

Entries Endpoint - Inside 50 Source​

This update adds more detail on the source of each Inside 50, returning one of the source names as listed below. If the Inside 50 was ‘Direct’ (it came directly from clearance) then the type will return the value ‘direct’.

Source NameDescription
ForcedThe Inside 50 was forced by the defensive team by making a tackle, spoiling or otherwise putting the ball back into dispute when the team in possession has retreated into their own defensive 50.
InitialThe Inside 50 was the first one following a centre bounce.
Midfield StoppageThe Inside 50 was following a midfield stoppage – this includes where multiple changes of possession occurred within the midfield zone.
RepeatThe Inside 50 was after an opposition’s Rebound 50 but before a midfield stoppage or opposition Inside 50.
TransitionThe Inside 50 was after a team's Rebound 50 and before a midfield stoppage or opposition Inside 50.