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V1.24 Update - 14th November 2023

Gather Metrics​

This update adds two Gather metrics that return the number of possessions from gathering the ball. These metrics are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

The number of possessions that were a result of a teammate deliberately directing the ball in the player's direction, via a hitout, disposal or knock-on, excluding marks and handball receives.

Gathers from a hitout are contested possessions - the rest are uncontested.
Gather Uncontested
The number of uncontested possessions that were a direct result of the ball being kicked or knocked-on to the player, excluding marks.

Entries Endpoint​

Kick Result Locations​

This update adds the Result X & Y coordinates of each Inside 50 Kick to the entries endpoint. This can be used to plot where each kick landed, and combined with the Launch X/Y can be used to visualise the whole kick.



The actual location of where the kick landed relative to the venue played


The actual location of where the kick landed if it were played at the MCG (the standardised location)


The location of where the kick landed, rotated so it is plotted on the same half as the opposing team, relative to the venue played. If the rotated locations match the actual locations then it was the team's actual Attacking Half.


The location of where the kick landed, rotated so it is plotted on the same half as the opposing team, if it were played at the MCG (the standardised location). If the rotated locations match the actual locations then it was the team's actual Attacking Half.

Kick Launch and Result Distance to Goal​

This update also adds the distance the ball was from the goal at the start (Launch) and end (Result) of each Inside 50 Kick.



How far the ball was from the goal when it was kicked.


How far the ball was from the goal when it landed from the kick.