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V1.30 Update - 22nd February 2024

Player Weights removed​

As directed by the AFL, Player weights are no longer available from the AFL API as of this update. The weight attribute will be still be part of the player models, but will now only return a null value.

Midfield Ball Movement Metrics​

This update adds 7 metrics that retun how many uncontested posssesions occurred in the midfield zone. They are available at Squad level from the following endpoint:

Midfield Ball Movement
Uncontested possessions won in the midfield zone
Midfield Ball Movement Boundary
Uncontested possessions won in the midfield zone in the boundary lane
Midfield Ball Movement Boundary Percentage
Proportion of midfield uncontested possessions won in the boundary lane
Midfield Ball Movement Corridor
Uncontested possessions won in the midfield zone in the corridor lane
Midfield Ball Movement Corridor Percentage
Proportion of midfield uncontested possessions won in the corridor lane
Midfield Ball Movement Wing
Uncontested possessions won in the midfield zone in the wing lane
Midfield Ball Movement Wing Percentage
Proportion of midfield uncontested possessions won in the wing lane

Forced Turnover Metrics​

This update adds 4 forced turnover metrics, which are available at both Player and Squad level from the following endpoints:

Forced Turnover
Turnovers forced by applying implied or physical pressure on the ball carrier
Forced Turnover Behind
Forced turnovers that result in a behind to the pressure players team
Forced Turnover Goal
Forced turnovers that result in a goal to the pressure players team
Forced Turnover Score
Forced turnovers that result in a score to the pressure players team

Time in Possession Metrics​

This update adds 2 time in possession metrics that retun elapsed time of no possession and total elapsed time the ball was in play. They are available at Squad level from the following endpoint:

Time in Dispute
Elapsed time while the ball was in play but neither team had possession
Time in Possession Total
Elapsed time while the ball was in play

SNS Level Id Fix​

This update corrects SNS Notifications to pass through the appropriate level id for the notification. Prior to this it was returning an invalid level id.